AUCD: Growing Leaders, Driving Change (YouTube)
Description: Three photos in greyscale on the screen. As the narrator speaks, each photo rapidly changes from greyscale to color.
NARRATOR: At home.
Description: Photo 1, Two women sit at table with computer.
NARRATOR: At work:
Description: Photo 2, A person in a wheelchair sits with other people.
NARRATOR: At school.
Description Photo 3, A child, woman, and a dog with a harness sit together on the floor.
MAN 1: This is how I want to live my life.
Description: A man in a wheelchair opens a car door. A thought bubble shows a wheelchair symbol with three lines behind it.
WOMAN 1: This is what I want for my child.
Description: A child using a walker near a soccer ball Thought bubble shows a drawing of a stick person playing soccer. A woman stands nearby.
WOMAN 2: This is how I want other people to see me.
Description: A woman wears a graduation cap and gown and holds a rolled piece of paper.
NARRATOR: Like everyone,
Description: A collage of 29 photos arranged in three row appears. As the narrator speaks, they zoom in.
NARRATOR: people with disabilities want the right to go to school,
Description: Zoom in to photo group –1, Child playing with toy. Woman behind him. 2, Child on horse with helmet. 3, Person with one leg on skis. Thought bubble with wheelchair and “zoom” lines.
NARRATOR get a good job,
Description: Zoom in to photo pair –Person holding tool at wheel hub of a car. Person in red vest, ball cap, and name ID tag using wheelchair, smiling. Thought bubble with smiley face.
NARRATOR make their own choices,
Description: Zoom in to photo pair –Photo 1 Woman sitting on floor pointing at open book. Children watching. Photo 2: Man standing holding award plaque. Woman in scooter looking toward him.
NARRATOR and contribute to the community.
Description: Zoom in to photo pair – 1, Two people with a laptop computer. 2. Woman with dog bringing drink can in mouth.
NARRATOR: But throughout our history,
Description: Zoom out to collage view.
NARRATOR: expectations have been low.
Description: Some photos drop off collage.
NARRATOR: Obstacles have been thrown in the way.
Description: Some photos are crossed out. Some are covered with signs that say Out of Order or Closed.
NARRATOR: And opportunities taken away.
Description: Some photos fade to black. Others are covered by chains with lock. Sign says out of service.
NARRATOR: To make sure that doesn’t happen, we need lots of tools.
Description: The rest of the photos fly away, leaving a momentarily blank screen.
NARRATOR: Good laws.
Description: Image of gavel.
NARRATOR: Well-trained teachers and clinicians.
Description: Image of two people looking together at book is added to screen with the gavel.
NARRATOR: Service providers.
Description: Two people, one touching the other’s shoulder is added.
NARRATOR: Solid research.
Description: Close up of person wearing goggles and looking down is added.
NARRATOR: Innovative services
Description: Close up of hands piled on top of one another is added.
NARRATOR: That’s why Congress created a network of centers that focus on disability issues.
Descriptions: Each image flip around and become a building. The building move from a line to a circle of buildings. Lines appear and connect them to form a network.
NARRATOR: The Centers do their work under many different names, and
Description: Different names appear near each building. UCEDD, LEND, Partnership for People with Disabilities, Institute on Community Inclusion, Boggs Center, MIND Institute, Riley Child Development Center
NARRATOR: Together they form the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, or AUCD.
Description: The logo for AUCD appears. With the text “Association of University Centers for Disabilities: Research, Education, Service”
NARRATOR: AUCD members build the bridges between the community and universities –
Description: The logo flies off screen. A university icon pops up, a drawbridge falls between it and a community icon.
NARRATOR: making sure great ideas and new information are shared between people with disabilities, their families and friends, lawmakers, doctors, teachers, and more, around the country and around the world.
Description: Cartoon lightbulbs with legs and arms begin marching and rolling in a wheelchair both directions across the bridge. A line weaves through the scene, we follow it as it becomes a timeline back to 1962.
NARRATOR: It all started in 1962. President John F. Kennedy assembled a panel of experts to make recommendations on what the federal government could do for people with intellectual disabilities.
Description: Photo of John F. Kennedy sitting at desk with microphones. Thought bubble with cartoon lightbulb.
NARRATOR: People like his sister, Rosemary.
Description: Photo of Kennedy’s sister Rosemary sitting beside John when they were children.
NARRATOR: The President urged Congress to pass a law to create 19 university-based centers focusing focused on intellectual disability.
Description: John F. Kennedy shakes hands with another man in a crowd. A thought bubble above his head has icons of 19 buildings.
Description: Archival photos/videos of JFK making speeches, Congress reacting. Newspaper headlines of new law.
NARRATOR: By harnessing the resources and ingenuity of the entire country and giving voice to people with disabilities,
In the thought bubble, the buildings are replaced with light bulbs.
NARRATOR: their needs could be addressed.
Description: In the thought bubble light bulbs are replaced with access symbols.
Description: New photo of Kennedy seated at desk with microphone appears. As he speaks, caption blocks show his words:
KENNEDY: “The time has come for a great new national effort. New medical, scientific, and social tools and insights are now available. I am hopeful that beginning today, this country will move in this field so vital to the welfare of our citizens.
Description: Screen fades to blank, then a map of United States including territories appear. Location pins drop onto every state and territory.
NARRATOR: Today, the AUCD network spans 125 Centers and Programs nationwide, with at least one in every U.S. state and territory.
Description: Screen turns blank Photo appears of three people standing arm in arm hearing UIC t-shirts. Two of them say That’s how we Roll. One t-shirt says UIC Pride.
NARRATOR: AUCD members are people with disabilities and family members,
NARRATOR: who lead the disability community.
Three photo bubbles appear on screen. 1, four people, one using wheelchair, one with microphone, one in front in a suit. 2, Person looking at bulletin board. 3, Another person looking at bulleting board.
NARRATOR: We are teachers and faculty members
Description: One photo bubble appears. Group of people. One with laptop computer, one with pad of paper.
NARRATOR: who educate future professionals to serve people with disabilities.
Description: A second photo bubble is added. A woman touches the hand of a child.
Description: A woman using a wheelchair sits in a large lecture hall full of people. There is a drawn overlay of a graduation mortarboard on her head.
NARRATOR: We are students,
Description: Image of two seated people looking at computer screen.
NARRATOR: therapists,
Description: Photo of man holding block in air and child with toy cash register.
NARRATOR: and doctors
Description: Three photos are together in one screen: 1, Image of two seated people looking at computer screen, 2, photo of man holding block in air and child with toy cash register. 3, Photo of child reaching for toy with man in background.
NARRATOR: who provide exceptional clinical and community-based services when families need it most.
Description: the text “Community-based services” is added to the screen with the three photos.
NARRATOR: AUCD members are researchers,
Description: Image of three people looking at large complex chart on a large poster. Two people look at bright computer screen in a dim room.
NARRATOR: who find the next scientific breakthrough that will change lives.
Description: Three people standing on a podium wearing black with one holding document in the air. Another one hold fist in the air. The words “change lives” are added to the screen.
NARRATOR: We are advocates,
Description: A smiling man in a red shirt with thought bubble of justice scales symbol.
NARRATOR: advancing policies and supporting communities to meet individual needs.
Description: A woman stands and holds a microphone while people sit in chairs nearby. All wear press passes.
NARRATOR: AUCD members make up a network
Description: A man uses a head pointer with an electronic tablet.
Description: A woman wearing pink holds a microphone. Zoom to new photo of a man and woman seated. Man in front of a microphone.
NARRATOR: By working as a network, AUCD members learn from each other,
Five men sit around a table with papers and a laptop.
NARRATOR: share knowledge and expertise,
Description: Photo of a woman adjusting a microphone.
NARRATOR: and help and empower people with disabilities across the country.
Photo of a man holding up an assistive listening device.
NARRATOR: Want to learn more?
Description: Previously seen photos are arranged as a collage roughly in the shape of an 8-point star. 16 lines connect and intersect behind the photos creating a shape similar to flower petals. The photos all fade away, leaving the shape formed by the intersecting lines. This creates the shape of the AUCD logo.
NARRATOR: Find the AUCD member in your state or territory and receive the latest disability news and policy updates from AUCD at
Description: URL appears:
NARRATOR: Follow us on social media at @AUCDnetwork on Facebook and @AUCDnews on Twitter.
Description: Facebook and Twitter icons and handles appear.
NARRATOR: Produced by Rooted in Rights. A project of Disability Rights Washington.
Description: Rooted in Rights logo. The text: Rooted in Rights with a tree growing out of the letter “T” in the word “Rooted” and roots growing into the word “rights”.