What is SPICE?

Statewide Practice of Interdisciplinary Clinical Evaluation is an interdisciplinary diagnostic expansion model used to increase early identification, accurate diagnoses, and access to resources for individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD) in Arkansas.


  • Identification
    • This level utilizes professionals to recognize symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders or other brain-based conditions. Professionals will be educated on screening techniques and can refer children in their area to the community – based SPICE team.
  • Differential Diagnosis
    • Interprofessional SPICE teams will provide differential diagnostic evaluations for neurodevelopmental disorders. After education and training, SPICE teams will learn to confirm or rule out neurodevelopmental disorders (ex: autism, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, etc.). They will also have resources for recommendations, accommodations, and interventions.
  • Complex Cases
    • Occasionally, symptoms may be more complex andrequire additional assessment or evaluation. SPICE teams will be mentored through these cases with the assistance of the state-level SPICE mentors.
What to expect for evaluation. An accessible version of this is available using the link below.

Download What To Expect for Evaluation (PDF)

Contact us today for more information about our program!

Phone: 501-687-7361

Email: NDDeval@uark.edu

Find a SPICE Clinic near you!

(Map coming soon.)

Make an online referral here: SPICE Referral Form