What is ABICE?

ABICE – Arkansas Bilingual Interpreter Credential in Education is a training and credential for bilingual professionals who provide interpretation services in educational settings that serve children from birth through 12th grade. It is recognized as a professional credential by the Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) / Office of Early Childhood (OEC).

ABICE is the first credential for oral language bilingual interpreters in education in Arkansas. The certifications offered for medical and court interpretation do not cover the same terminology nor the same procedures as are typical in educational settings, thus they are not interchangeable.

Why do I need the ABICE credential?

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act provides the legal foundation for obtaining this credential. Programs receiving any federal funding are to provide qualified adult interpreters when needed for meeting with families who have limited proficiency in English. The ABICE credential indicates a trained educational interpreter. (See this Fact Sheet for Parents (PDF) .)

Qualified interpreters are important to effectively support and engage families and “increase communication across all languages,” which addresses the Family and Community Engagement – FACE Essentials AR (Communication Key Elements –Communication Essential).

How do I obtain the ABICE credential?

You must complete the 40-contact-hour training course; complete five quizzes during the course; demonstrate appropriate interpretation skills during the course and pass (80% or better) a comprehensive written final exam. The course may be presented either in-person or virtually, but it will cover the same content. Although this course is for oral language interpretation, reviewing the training materials and completing the final exam require English reading comprehension and writing skills.

In addition to the ABICE credential, participants are eligible to receive professional development hours through the Arkansas Department of Education and the Arkansas Early Childhood Professional Development Registry (PDR).

Are there any educational requirements to be eligible to attend the ABICE training course?

No specific educational level is required, but you must be at least 18 years old and demonstrate oral proficiency in English and another language by passing oral language fluency assessments to be accepted into the training course. The cost of the fluency assessments is included in the registration fee.

If I have passed the oral language proficiency assessment, why do I need to attend the ABICE training?

Just because someone is bilingual does not mean they are qualified to conduct interpreted meetings. Interpreting is a skill, with a Code of Ethics and standards of practice. Training of interpreters is important to ensure accurate communication to protect children, families and programs.

What is the cost to participate?

For Arkansas participants, the rate is only $325 per participant, which covers the 40-hour training course, training materials, and course materials. Thanks to sponsor support, we can offer this valuable training at less than half of the cost of providing the training. The majority of the training cost is covered by the Welcome the Children project, which is administered by the University of Arkansas Partners and funded by the Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Office of Early Childhood through both the Arkansas Better Chance Funds and Child Care Development Funds.

Since March 2023, interpreters from outside Arkansas have been able to participate in the training with an unsupplemented registration fee of $825. Registration fees do not vary between virtual and in- person training sessions. In-person sessions include lunch each day, but participants are responsible for their own travel costs.

How do I pay? 

When you have been notified that you have been accepted into the training, you will receive a link to pay online by credit card. If you need to pay by check, please contact Brenda Reynolds bkreynol@uark.edu to request an invoice.

How do I apply?

Application links are posted online as training is schedule. Check the U of A Partners ABICE page for dates and links to the application.

What is the process after I apply?

You will be notified by email from Brenda Reynolds of your initial acceptance status. If more applications have been received than available slots, applicants will be selected based on diversity of languages, geographic area and program diversity, with preference given to individuals in Arkansas providing interpretation services in early childhood settings. Once your registration payment is received, you will be sent information on how to complete your fluency assessments. Before you attend the training, you will receive a training manual and further instructions.

If you have additional questions, please contact Brenda Reynolds at bkreynol@uark.edu.

Educational interpreters (and translators) providing services in Arkansas are encouraged to list their contact information and services on the searchable online database at abice.uark.edu.