ABICE is a professional training program and credential for bilingual adults in Arkansas who provide interpreter services in educational settings for families of children from birth through 12th grade. The credential is recognized in Arkansas by the Department of Education, Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Office of Early Childhood

ABICE Resources:

Related Resources:

ABICE Training Course Schedule

This is a 40-hour professional training course for bilingual adults who provide interpretation in educational settings for families of children birth through 12th grade, available virtually or in-person. Additional dates will be added as they are scheduled.

  • November 29 – December 13, 2024: (PDR Course #64616) Virtual course opens with live Zoom orientation (rescheduled for November 22nd 9:00 am – 10:30 am). Google Classroom will open on November 29th. Mandatory Zoom sessions held 8:00 AM – Noon each day on December 5, 6, 12 and 13.  
    This session is currently full. 
  • January 24 – February 7, 2025: (PDR Course #70777) Virtual course opens with live Zoom orientation and Google Classroom on January 24th (9:00 am – 10:30 am); mandatory Zoom sessions held 8:00 AM – Noon each day on January 30, 31, and February 6 and 7.  
    Apply online by December 1, 2024
  • April 7 – 11, 2025: (PDR Course #70778) A 5-day in-person training course, 8:00 – 4:00 daily (plus homework). At 10809 Executive Center Dr., Searcy Building, Little Rock, AR 72211; Lower LevelConference Room. Lunch included. 
    Apply online by February 10, 2025

Cost: $325 for Arkansas interpreters – This low cost is supplemented through grant/contract funds. 

Interpreters from outside Arkansas are now able to apply for the ABICE training course.  Cost for out-of-state participants is $825. 

Payment information will be sent once your application is approved.

A very limited number of scholarships are available. To apply use this Training Scholarship Application Form.  

Applicants must demonstrate oral language proficiency in English and their target language before being accepted in the ABICE training course.  Information on the fluency assessment will be provided once the initial application is accepted. Participants who successfully complete all course requirements will obtain the ABICE professional credential.

ABICE training is provided through the Welcome the Children early childhood project, which is funded through the  Department of Education, Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Office of Early Childhood. Welcome the Children is administered by the University of Arkansas Partners.